Human Body Systems Volume 1 | Page 5

Tour Outline:

Our tour will get started in the nose and nasal cavity. From there we will advance down the Trachea Highway passing the larynx and pharynx. After that we will pass the Twin Towers of the Right and Left Bronchus. Further down we encounter the lungs and last but not least we end our tour at the diaphagram.

Smoking Prohibited

There is a strict no smoking policy in the respiratory system. Smoking causes irratation of the trachea and this can lead to reduced lung function and breathlessness as nicotine causes swelling and extra mucus within the airways. Other symptons can also be raised blood pressure, increased risk of stroke and heart attack, lung cancer, reduced bone density etc. Smoking is strictly prohibited in all travels with Human as damage is caused everywhere by nicotine.

The 6 Man

The alveolli and capillaries are both key to the success of the Respiratory System. They both exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen. If these 2 did not do there job, there would be a imbalance in the gases and this would lead potentially to eath as the body is not recieving enough oxygen.

Left Primary Bronchus

Left Lung
