Human and Natural Wonders of A S I A (Amazing World) Feb. 2015 | Page 4

Kelimutu area is surrounded with forest

containing floras that are scarcely found in Flores area. Kelimutu is in Indonesia, Koanara village, in the Wolowaru sub-district is closest to Mt. Kelimutu, and is about 66 kilometers from the town of Ende, or 83 kilometers from Maumere.

Definitely a hike to Lake Kelimutu is the ultimate reason for any traveler coming to Moni or Ende.

Moni features simplicity that sometimes only backpackers can accept. The term bungalow is far from luxurious. It is a term that locals know to create hospitality in their colorless huts.

Adventure to


Colored Lakes

Kelimutu, Indonesia