Human 101 What does it mean to be human? | Page 2



A bunch of anthropologists and scholars have developed a series of theories that may answer these questions. Seymour and Smith (1986) call the collection of theories ‘Social Evolutionism’ whereas they discuss social progress and what are those needed to progress. Although Social Evolution itself doesn’t have definitive meaning as a lot of scholars have a variety of contradicting statements regarding its definition. The notion began when 19th century anthropologist Lewis Henry Morgan applied the evolutionary concept that Charles Darwin introduced in Origin of Man, to social principles. According to Long and Chakov, society and culture have a direct proportional relationship as when society increases in complexity, so is culture. That in social evolution, change in societies can be rooted to the evolution of culture.


Do you ever wonder how modern societies became what they are now? Why are modern societies different on from societies centuries ago? How did they develop?