HUM 111  Help A Clearer path to student success/ HUM 111  Help A Clearer path to student success/uo | Page 6

Write a 350- to 700-word essay in which you do the following: · Summarize the issue. · State your position on the issue. · Explain the perceptual blocks and habits that hinder your thinking when looking at the opposing view and defending your own view. · Describe what you can do to overcome those perceptual blocks and habits that are hindering your thinking and explain how your thought processes can be manipulated by perception. Note. Your paper is not meant to be an opinion paper on renewable energy. Instead, it is meant to be about the habits that hinder your thinking and how you can overcome perceptual blocks. Format your essay consistent with Associate Level Writing Style Handbook guidelines. The following resources may be of assistance when writing this paper: · Opposing Viewpoints in Context – Renewable Energy · Associate Level Writing Style Handbook Grammar and Writing Guides: Grammar Mechanics: Commas ------------------------------------------------------------------ HUM 111 Week 2 DQ 1, DQ 2, DQ 3 and DQ 4 For more course tutorials visit