London campus visit
After an intense morning, alums were taken to Hult House for a trip
down memory lane. For some, it brought back memories of their time
there, while those who had studied at our other campuses had the
chance to see what makes the London campus such a popular Hult
destination. During the visit, Chief Operating Officer Chris Holmes
gave a presentation on the exciting developments across all Hult
campuses, while Career S ervices Director Paula Quinton-Jones
updated alums on the fantastic efforts of Hult Career Services.
With the sun shining over the capital and the formal summit
events wrapped up, it was time for alums to enjoy the rest of their
day exploring London, before heading to the evening’s cocktail
reception and gala dinner.
The evening celebrations
Another purpose of gathering everyone at the annual summit is to
have a great time, in great company! Suited, booted, and looking
ever so glamorous, the alums arrived for the cocktail reception
ahead of the evening’s gala dinner and post-summit parties. With a
welcome speech from Shareena Hatta, Global Director of Alumni,
to kick things off, Chief Academic Officer Mukul Kumar thanked
the alums for their dedication and efforts to keep the Hult Alumni
spirit well and truly alive.
Sitting down to dinner, it was fantastic to see old and
new friends discussing their achievements since graduating
from Hult, and chatting with the faculty—a surprise visit from
Mike Grandinetti, Professor of Entrepreneurship, Innovation,
Management, and Marketing at Hult, had camera-shy alums posing for pictures in no time! As the evening continued onto various
after parties organized by alums, it was a great end to an intense
but extremely successful summit. So, here’s hoping we see you at
the next one! 7