all these groundbreaking ideas that are
going to change the world for the better, but
if you can’t stand up and speak to a group,
influence a meeting, or present an idea well,
you are going to find getting your ideas out
there that much harder.
Chris Kinsville-Heyne, Professor of
Remember The Core Four, and build
strength and resiliency in the following four
areas: Intellectual Capital, Physical Self,
Mental and Psychological Resiliency, and
Your Passion. Think of it as your personal
leadership bank account—you must pay
attention to each area and build capacity
in equal measure to prevent burnout. I
would also invite you to remember one of
my favorite quotes that I shared in class, by
Eunice Schriver, a fearless female leader
generations ahead of her time: “Now you
have a job to do. Go and do it and do it
well. Finish it properly. And when it’s over,
then move on.” The key here is in finishing
something properly. Often, we are so eager
to jump to the next thing, we never give
ourselves time to stop and reflect. Give
yourself some time, post-graduation, to
properly reflect and absorb all that you’ve
accomplished during your time at Hult. I
hope in this self-reflection you will find
gratitude for all that you’ve learned, and
the massive social capital that is now yours
to activate as you pursue your passions.
My advice: get involved. You never know
what skill can be developed by accident.
Learn unconventionally!
Laura Reed, Master of International
Business Class of 2013
Listen rather than talk; focus on
value creation rather than on leaving
impressions; and use solid evidence rather
than personal beliefs.
Dr. Daniel Deneffe, Professor of Strategy
and Managerial Economics
Don’t be afraid to strike out on your own.
Bentley Varghese, MBA Class of 2011
Cari Guittard, Professor of International
Negotiations and Women’s Leadership 19