Hull's Musical Heritage - David Whitfield Version 2 - David Whitfield | Page 3
David was unable to
complete his because the
audience applauded so
loudly, and therefore the
judges were unable to hear
the last part of his song.
David Whitfield, in a more relaxed
promotional photograph.
A major turing point in
David’s career was being
persuaded to enter a heat
of the popular talent show,
Opportunity Knocks.
At the end of 1945, David
relocated to the Far
East, and was part of the
Entertainment Division that
performed for the soldiers
based overseas, and he left
the Royal Navy in 1949,
Decca Records with whom David Whitfield
released all of his singles and albums.
a process known as being
The show was hosted
by Hughie Green, and
broadcast on Radio
During this time, David
Luxembourg, a commercial
entered a talent show in
station broadcasting on
Southampton, but he was
disqualified because within Long Wave and based in
London, after it’s relocation
the rules it stated that the
after the war, and in the
act had to complete their
days of BBC radio having
act in it’s entirety.
complete control of