Hull's Musical Heritage - David Whitfield Version 2 - David Whitfield | Page 21
d Whitfield’s Footsteps?
The Beautiful South
After the breakup of The
The band released 34
Housemartins, two band
singles, of which 5 reached
members, Paul Heaton,
the Top 10, and the most
and David Hemingway
successful of those was, A
got together with Dave
Little Time, which received
Rotheray and David Stead
a gold award on it’s way to
to form the Beautiful South Number 1 in 1990. They
in 1988.
also released 10 studio
albums, and 5 compilation
As with The Housemartins, albums.
the band lineup changed
throughout the active years In January 2007, the
between 1988 and 2007.
band split citing “Musical
Other band members
Similarities”, which was a
included Briana Corrigan,
play on a usual phrase used
Jacqui Abbott and Alison
by bands splitting, “Musical