Huffington Magazine Issue 87 | Page 32

WORAPUT CHAWALITPHON/GETTY IMAGES Voices ADAM GRANT The No. 1 Feature of a Meaningless Job A SK PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT in a job, and meaningfulness looms large. For decades, Americans have ranked purpose as their top priority — above promotions, income, job security, and hours. Work is a search “for daily meaning as well as daily bread,” wrote Studs Turkel after interviewing hundreds of people in a striking array of jobs. Yet all too often, we feel that our work doesn’t matter. “Most of us have jobs that are too small for our spirit. Jobs are not big enough for people.” ¶ What makes a job meaningless? After more than 40 years of research, we know that people struggle to find meaning when they lack autonomy, variety, HUFFINGTON 02.09.14