law will make it “easier for people
to retire before age 65, quit a fulltime job to start a business, or shift
to part-time work and spend more
time raising children or attending
school.” (In a separate post, Barro
points out that the “buried lede”
of this report is that the law will
“drive wages up,” “strengthening
workers’ hands in negotiation,” and
“reduce income inequality.”)
Politico contends that the CBO
report “will put the White House,
and especially red-state Democrats,
in an even more awkward position
heading into November.” I don’t
know about that! Seems to me that
people like higher wages and increased labor mobility and less income inequality. Taken as a whole,
those ads that the Democrats will
be running suddenly sound pretty
competitive. And it probably won’t
be too hard for Democrats to find
living examples of the virtuous effect of the Affordable Care Act. It
only took The Huffington Post a
few hours to find Claudia and Joseph Schulz, an Arizona couple
who finally achieved their dream of
starting a business together, thanks
to the Affordable Care Act.
The truth is, this CBO isn’t so
much a “huge gift” for Republicans.
It actually confirms that the ACA is
poised to do some things they really, really hate — like strengthen
the bargaining position of middleclass job seekers and force employers to raise wages to compete for
low-wage, service-sector workers. It
means a less cowed workforce with
more options in front of it. It means
more sad business lobbyists, which
is always good for America.
So, Y Kant Politico Reed? Is it
not smart enough to understand
Are we here to work as
much as we can until the day
we die, or is there more to life?”
the CBO’s big word? Actually, it’s
more like Politico just doesn’t care,
one way or the other, about what
the CBO actually said. Rather, Politico is signaling that it plans to
be an unconcerned observer in the
coming ad wars over this issue. It
possesses the knowledge to properly inform people, and shut down
the malformed spin before it gets
started. But it is choosing to not be
virtuous or decent or honest. The
political freakshow is probably good
for business, but the Affordable
Care Act might be the thing
that helps you s х