house to sleep off their freak-out.
But a new day has dawned,
so why is Politico’s “Huddle”
newsletter acting like it was
born yesterday?
The Republicans just got a
big gift from the Congressional Budget Office: It’s going to
be a lot easier for them to call
Obamacare a ‘job killer.’ That’s
because the budget office’s new
economic report, released Tuesday, says the health care law
will cause Americans to work
fewer hours - enough to be the
equivalent of 2 million fewer
jobs in 2017. The latest number
is nearly three times as high
as the budget office’s previous
prediction, and it’s supposed to
rise in later years to the equivalent of 2.5 million jobs in 2024.
Oh, honey. The Affordable Care
Act won’t “cause Americans to
work fewer hours.” It will enable
workers to make choices they
previously weren’t able to make
— choices the CBO project