Huffington Magazine Issue 85 | Page 90

Exit EAT THIS to have to flip it once, and when you do, you’ll want to handle it like a faberge egg. Flip gently, preserve your runny yolks. In fact, don’t think of it as “flipping,” so much as laying your egg gently on its other side. SHUTTERSTOCK / ZKRUGER OVERCOOKING THEM I think that there are people out there who actually like their eggs cooked this way. Or maybe they just don’t know any better. Browning an egg white makes it tough and chewy. Cooking an egg yolk through makes it chalky. What you want are smooth, solid whites and a runny yolk. It shouldn’t take more than three minutes. USING A STICKY PAN There is no frustration like trying to slide a perfectly fried egg out of the pan and having it not budge. If you have an aversion to traditional non-stick pans, you can use a wellseasoned cast iron skillet. If you don’t have either of those, be sure to use a little extra butter or oil. There is no way to scrape an egg out of a pan without breaking the yolk. We learned that the hard way. TRYING TO COOK THEM ON THE SIDEWALK Okay, just kidding. But seriously, everyone has to stop making this joke now. FORGETTING ABOUT EARTH’S MOST PERFECT EGG MOLD: TOAST Call it an egg in a nest, egg in a basket, toad in a hole — we don’t care, just eat it. If you’ve never made one, it’s really easy, just toast your bread in some butter. Once it’s crisp and golden on both sides, remove it from the pan, cut out a circle using either a cookie cutter or a knife and return it to the pan. Drop a dab of butter in the hole, then pour your egg right into it. Cover for a minute or two to set the whites and enjoy. (You can also flip the whole thing once you feel comfortable doing that.) HUFFINGTON 01.26.14