their energy in a healthy way.
The key, Carlstrom says, is figuring out if what’s stressing you
out is as serious as you believe it
is in the moment.
“It’s important to realize that
everyone is functioning at a really fast pace but carrying a lot
of stressors,” Carlstrom advises.
“Pause, count to 10, and say ‘Is
this something I need to tackle?
How significant is this going to
be in three months?’ Ask yourself questions to frame it and
get perspective. Find out if this
stress is real or if it’s perceived.”
Letting in a little stress isn’t all
bad — in fact, it may even help.
According to research conducted
by the University of California,
Berkeley, acute stress can prime
the brain for improved performance. Just don’t let it go beyond
a few short moments, especially
if you’re prone to poor coping
mechanisms. Carlstrom says that
while everyone has bad stress
habits — whether it be eating,
smoking, shopping or otherwise
— it’s important that you recognize when they appear in order
to manage them. “Take an inventory of what you do when you’re
stressed and discover what’s
healthy and what isn’t,” she ex-
plains. “The trick is to have a mix
of healthy strategies [on top of]
those coping mechanisms.”
There’s nothing in the world like
taking a break from your busy
schedule and unwinding on a
warm beach — and it’s something extremely de-stressed people make a priority. Taking your
vacation days and giving yourself
If the idea of dropping
your responsibilities and
doing nothing makes you
more stressed out, Carlstrom
recommends formulating
a vacation plan that works
around your work habits.”
some time to recharge isn’t just
a luxury, but a crucial component in a stress-free lifestyle.
Trips can help you lower your
blood pressure, improve your
immune system and even help
you live longer.
Taking your vacation days can
also help avoid burnout at work.
However, if the idea of dropping
your responsibilities and doing
nothing makes you more stressed