calm people keep it all together
on a daily basis? The truth is,
they’re neither superhuman
nor oblivious — they just practice daily habits that keep their
stress levels under control. And
the good news is that you can
learn from them. According to
Michelle Carlstrom, the senior
director of the Office of Work,
Life and Engagement at Johns
Hopkins University, it’s all about
tailoring tricks to fit your needs.
“My number one recommendation is you have to find the strategies that work for you and work
to make those strategies a habit,”
Carlstrom told The Huffington
Post. “I think people feel less
stressed — even when they’re really busy — if they’re able to live
out personal values that matter
to their life. Whatever your values are, if you don’t get to practice them its hard to feel calm.”
By adopting your own personal
stress-busters, the chaos of life
can become a lot more manageable. But how to start? Carlstrom
says relaxed people take an inventory of how they deal with
stress and then figure out healthy
strategies to balance out coping
mechanisms that aren’t beneficial. Ahead, find seven simple
strategies calm people make an
effort to integrate into their lives
on a daily basis.
It’s no secret that meditation and
mindfulness produce numerous
health benefits, but perhaps the
practice’s most significant impact
is the effect it has on stress. People who stay de-stressed find their
Spending some time with
your friends can reduce your
stress and buffer the effects of
negative experiences.”
center through stillness — whether it’s through meditation, simply concentrating on their breath
or even prayer, Carlstrom says.
“[These practices] help a person
push pause, reflect and try to stay
in that moment to reduce racing
thoughts and reduce interruptions,” she explained. “I believe
any strategy that aims to do that
absolutely reduces stress.”
Meditation and spirituality even help some of the busiest people in the world unwind.
Oprah Winfrey, Lena Dunham,