Family Life by Akhil Sharma The
heartbreaking story of a boy
whose brother suffers brain damage after diving into a swimming
pool is told in spare, deliberate
language. It’s no wonder it took
Sharma 13 years to compose this
stunning story about the Indian
immigrant experience.
Leaving the Sea by Ben Marcus
Marcus’s acclaimed The Flame
Alphabet showcased his ability
to write fascinating experimental
fiction, and we expect this short
story collection to be no different.
The title story, for example,
is composed of a single sentence.
Perfect by Rachel Joyce Joyce’s
novel is both a comingof-age story about a boy who becomes concerned when the British government adds two seconds
to the year, and the tale of a man
with OCD. The author of The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry
welds the two together seamlessly.
Another Great Day at Sea
by Geoff Dyer When Dyer
delves into a specific topic, he
delves deeply, which is why we’re
looking forward to his latest exploration: what life aboard an air-
craft carrier is like. As always, he
laces his observations with comedy and captivating storytelling.
Orfeo by Richard Powers Powers fuses science and music
via his good-guy-turned-fugitive
protagonist, Peter Els. His attempt
to discover musical patterns in
nature raises suspicions.
Silence Once Begun by Jesse
Ball Jesse Ball is the author
of this literary crime novel; it’s
also the name of the narrator, a
journalist attempting to get to the
bottom of mysterious disappearances, and the silent man who has
turned himself in.