Huffington Magazine Issue 85 | Page 69

MARC LESTER/ANCHORAGE DAILY NEWS/MCT/GETTY IMAGES ALASKA IS FLAGGING gress. When Begich was 10, his father was killed when the twin engine Cessna 310 carrying him and House Majority Leader Hale Boggs crashed in the Gulf of Alaska. “Why would I do something that took my dad away at 10 years old?” Begich said, recalling how his father’s death affected him. “Politics was not of interest to me.” That all changed when The Motherlode’s landlord canceled its lease to make way for a strip club. Begich tried desperately to keep his HUFFINGTON 01.26.14 establishment open. In his view, the decision would not only shutter a safe haven for Anchorage’s entertainment-starved youth, but would bring yet another adults-only establishment to a boomtown already teeming with vice. “He had every right to cancel the lease,” Begich said of the landlord, “but he was destroying not just a business, but a pretty important thing for the community.” Begich and his business partner petitioned the neighborhood about blocking the strip club, later taking their grievances to the city council — a move that Joe Miller, who beat out Sen. Lisa Murkowski to become the GOP nominee in 2010, only to lose to her write-in campaign, is running again on the Republican side.