Huffington Magazine Issue 85 | Page 11

WIN MCNAMEE/GETTY IMAGES Enter potential 2016 candidates. That page, by the way, is one of the most hilarious reflections of American politics on the Internet, because it turns out it doesn’t take much to be included. Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon (D) ended up there because a St. Louis PostDispatch story speculating on whether Nixon’s future included a turn in the national spotlight led to a Politico story speculating on whether Nixon might not get his turn in the national spotlight because of Hillary Clinton, which led to another St. Louis Post-Dispatch story about the aforemen- LOOKING FORWARD IN ANGST tioned Politico story, which led to a Washington Post story ... speculating on whether Nixon’s future included a turn in the national spotlight, again. Meanwhile, outside of Missouri, you have probably never heard of Jay Nixon. But you’re probably aware that Jerry Brown, between his first and latest stint as the Golden State’s governor, ran for president a bunch of times. And so, unsurprisingly, there was always someone on hand to stoke the fires of retro chic. In July 2013, the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard reported that some of Brown’s “allies” were “starting to talk up a possible 2016 presidential bid,” while another group HUFFINGTON 01.26.14 Time magazine tackled Hillary Clinton’s shadow campaign for president earlier this month, noting that the mere threat of her candidacy is keeping other Democrats out of the race.