Huffington Magazine Issue 84 | Page 30

Voices beach.”— HuffPost “I eat like a caveman. I’ll be the only actress that doesn’t have anorexia rumors.” — Entertainment Weekly “I’m never going to starve myself for a part. I don’t want little girls to be like, ‘Oh, I want to look like Katniss, so I’m going to skip dinner!’ [...]I was trying to get my body to look fit and strong, not thin and underfed.” — Entertainment Weekly “If anybody even tries to whisper the word ‘diet,’ I’m like, ‘You can go f- yourself.” — The Guardian “What are you gonna do? Be hungry every single day to make other people happy? That’s just dumb.”— The Daily Mail Tumblr celebrates her in .gif as a paragon of quirk and body acceptance, but one thing that may have escaped your notice in the orgiastic celebration of JLaw realness that is the Internet, is that Jennifer Lawrence is a fit, attractive, 20-something woman. Let’s concede the point here that she is, perhaps, a size or two above the accepted Hollywood norm. It’s admirable, being the star of a movie franchise aimed at teens, that she is concerned about the effect a too-svelte appear- JENNY TROUT HUFFINGTON 01.19.14 ance might have on her audience, who are already bombarded with negative body messages every day. But how her statements are being delivered — and how zealous and adoring fans have interpreted her words — only reinforce our cultural standards, and perpetuate the myth that only one type of body is acceptable. I’m not going to cover the fact that it’s messed up that a girl like I want to know, Internet: At what percentage of body fat does a woman earn the right to be a person?” Jennifer Lawrence has to justify her perfectly gorgeous body to every single media consumer in the world. We all know that’s messed up. Let’s focus instead on the fact that in order to appease our own self-doubt about our weight, we, the Internet, have decided to ignore how body-shaming the entire image of JLaw, “Spirit Animal” to fat girls everywhere, really is. First of all, consider her quotes. She would rather look chubby on screen, but like a person in real life? This is a message of positiv-