Huffington Magazine Issue 83 | Page 33

EMMA GUTTERIDGE/GETTY IMAGES Voices 1. SPEND LESS TIME SHOPPING, MORE TIME TRAVELING. Yes, those stilettos have a slightly different heel than the ones you already have in your closet, and yes, they are gorgeous. But you’ll forget about those shoes in a season, and could have spent that money on a trip where you would have met new people and savored a heart enriching memory. Invest in experiences, not things. 2. START HONORING YOUR INTUITION. You know that feeling of resistance and hesitation you’ve ig- AMY CHAN nored all these years? Well, it’s time to start listening. You’ve been through enough life situations and met enough people to give your intuition the trust and respect it deserves. Next time your gut tells you something, don’t make excuses to justify it into silence. Listen. 3. REMEMBER THAT YOUR PARENTS ARE AGING. AND ONE DAY IT WILL BE TOO LATE TO CALL, WRITE AND MAKE TIME FOR THEM. There is this naivety that comes along with youth, where you think that you’re invincible, and nothing bad will ever happen to you or the people you love. But as you grow older, you start to realize this HUFFINGTON 01.12.14