Huffington Magazine Issue 8 | Page 29

QUOTED CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: FLICKR/ADAM KUBAN; AP PHOTO/ANNA GOWTHORPE, POOL; AP PHOTO/GREGORY BULL; SHUTTERSTOCK Voices “I prefer not to have steroids, growth hormone, low dose antibiotics, or Jesus with my chicken....” HUFFINGTON 08.05.12 “The best part is, the Queen of England is less of a snob than Mitt Romney. At least she has a sense of humor.” —HuffPost commenter labman on the Olympic opening ceremony —HuffPost commenter Retrofuturistic on the Chick-Fil-A controversy New school policy: School will start an hour later. School kid: Hey I can stay up later since school is starting later. —HuffPost commenter DSherline on a Massachusetts proposal to start classes later “You try to find words because it’s almost like someone passes away, and what do you say?” —Martha Karolyi, the U.S. women’s gymnastics team coordinator, to NBC about Jordyn Wieber not qualifying for the All-Around competition