Huffington Magazine Issue 76-77 | Page 15

DATA Enter HUFFINGTON 11.24-12.01.13 ‘Comet of the Century’ Dances Across Sky Touted as the “comet of the century,” ISON has brightened dramatically over the course of a few days. It’s now visible to the naked eye, and approaching a Nov. 28 perihelion — the comet’s close graze past the surface of the sun. Comet ISON is expected to trace this path across the sky’s constellations until it’s no longer visible to the naked eye sometime in January 2014. — Macrina Cooper-White •­—­— FEB ‘14 ISON AT A GLANCE TAP FOR TEXT JAN ‘14 —­—•­ Auriga Ursa Minor Gemini Ursa Major Hercules •­—­— AUG ‘13 SOURCES: ASTRONOMY MAGAZINE, DAVID J. EICHER. NASA. •­—­— SEP ‘13 Leo •­—­— OCT ‘13 Bootes Corona Borealis Virgo •­—­— DEC ‘13 Scorpius ILLUSTRATIONS BY KURT SMITH •­—­— NOV ‘13