Huffington Magazine Issue 75 | Page 30

Voices paragraph. I identify with that anxiety very much. Nevertheless, I will continue to load pigs and lambs up and drop them off at the slaughterhouse to be killed because I am — so deeply that I feel it in my bones — a livestock farmer, and as such, I kill for a living. On the farm, the way I interact with and care for the animals is driven by ideas, about the idea of ethical care, of sound ecological management, of community, and about the idea of finding a viable, satisfying alternative to my life in a cubicle. The slaughterhouse, however, is the place where ideas go to become reality. I feel that to continue raising animals for the express purpose of having them killed so people, myself included, can eat their meat, I must consider the slaughterhouse, as the stark reality of the slaughterhouse is, so to speak, the meateater’s ethical moment. There is a lamb on the farm that I call My Pretty Girl. She is the cutest, most adorable thing I have ever seen. She has the whitest, cleanest, most delicatelyfeatured face you can imagine. She has great big doe eyes. And, while skittish, she is quite bold BOB COMIS HUFFINGTON 11.17.13 and curious. She approaches me with her little nose stretched out, crinkling it as she sniffs the air between us. As “My Pretty Girl,” she is the perfect lamb with whom (not, note, with which) to consider the slaughterhouse. The morning that I take My Pretty Girl to the slaughterhouse will be stressful for her. Animals are critters of routine, and when I come to load My Pretty Girl and The slaughterhouse... is the place where ideas go to become reality. I feel that to continue raising animals for the express purpose of having them killed so people, myself included, can eat their meat, I must consider the slaughterhouse.” her group onto the trailer, that routine will be shockingly interrupted. Instead of bringing the lambs their feed, I will open the pen and slowly herd My Pretty Girl and her pen-mates first into a holding area, then up an aisle, and finally onto the trailer. While I herd them, the group of lambs will be extremely nervous and will