Huffington Magazine Issue 73 | Page 29

Voices PETRA COLLINS HUFFINGTON 11.03.13 PETRA COLLINS Why Instagram Censored My Body I WASN’T SHOCKED at the reaction I received from my t-shirt for American Apparel. I’m used to being told by society that I must regulate my body to fit the norm. I’m used to the fact that images of unaltered women are seen as unacceptable. I’ve taught myself to ignore it (as much as I can) and through the Internet (via sites like ROOKIE) and social media platforms (like Instagram and Facebook) I’ve been able to freely share images and start discussions about these issues. Recently, I had my Instagram account deleted. I did nothing that violated the terms of use. No nudity, violence, pornography, unlawful, hateful or infringing imagery. What I did have was an image of MY body that didn’t meet society’s stan- dard of “femininity.” The image B