Huffington Magazine Issue 72 | Page 43

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: KEVIN WINTER/GETTY IMAGES; JULIA MAUER/FACEBOOK; JEFF KOWALSKY/BLOOMBERG VIA GETTY IMAGES; DAVID LIVINGSTON/GETTY IMAGES Voices QUOTED I am humasexual. I am attracted to humans. But, of course ... not many. — Morrisey, clearing up rumors on whether he’s homosexual “Very few people have the level of perfection we do. It is actually very sick.” — Designer Marc Newson on himself and his friend, Apple’s chief of design Jonathan Ive, to Vanity Fair HUFFINGTON 10.27.13 “Wow, maybe Facebook is good for something besides rampant narcissism after all?” — HuffPost commenter Mark4President on “Facebook Plea Helps Julia Mauer Find Long Lost Brother After 12 Years” “Borrowing to get out of debt? Is that like spending to reduce expenses?” — HuffPost commenter fwspokane on “Detroit Secures $350 Million Loan To Help Pay Off Debt During Bankruptcy Proceedings”