Huffington Magazine Issue 72 | Page 36

ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES Voices has dismissed the president as a weak negotiator, and many Democrats were upset at his deals to extend the Bush tax cuts in 2010, to install the sequestration mechanism in 2011 and not to enact more sweeping tax hikes in 2012. But that chatter led Republicans to underestimate Obama’s resolve and to assume they could force concessions on the one item he held most dear: Obamacare. It was a disastrous tactical choice. The public has doubts about the health-care program — doubts reinforced by the sloppy rollout of the insurance exchanges. But the public also doesn’t want to use the gov- HOWARD FINEMAN ernment shutdown or debt ceiling fight to send health care messages. 13. THE NEW IOWA There once was a hiatus between presidential campaigns. And there used to be a tradition that new senators didn’t start running for president the moment they arrived in Washington. No more. The insatiable demands of fundraising, organizing and media attention are one reason. Then-Sen. Obama’s example in 2005 is another. No wonder Sen. Ted Cruz, who arrived only months ago, is leading the Republican rebellion as way to run for president. He couldn’t care less if he ever passes a bill in Congress. In fact, his whole campaign is premised on not passing things. HUFFINGTON 10.27.13 President Obama addresses reporters in the Brady Press Briefing Room during the government shutdown.