Huffington Magazine Issue 68 | Page 4

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR HUFFINGTON 09.29.13 Caution: Driver Onboard N THIS WEEK’S issue, Bianca Bosker investigates a fascinating new technology — selfdriving cars — and the risks they may pose. She finds that engineers have dealt with the technological questions, producing efficient cars that can run capably on their own. The biggest danger, it turns out, is not the cars, but ourselves. “There are going to be times where the driver has to take over,” ART STREIBER I as Clifford Nass, a Stanford University professor and director of the automobile-focused Revs Program, puts it. “And that turns out to be by far the most dangerous and totally understudied issue.” This “hand-off” from car to human hinges on the driver being mentally aware and focused enough to take over when the car signals that human attention is needed. As Bianca writes, the driver’s “reaction speed might be slower than if she’d been driving all along, she might be distracted by the email she was writing or she might Join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook