Huffington Magazine Issue 66 | Page 43

M O O R S S A L S, , C D E U N F P I O M L Y A E C B D G ON THEALL ANSIN ANDF IT U M ATHNG EOEM DE ANEID KAL E MY JAWE B WENTY YEARS AGO, EVGENIA CHERKASOVA AND Elena Kornilov were doctoral students in their mid20s, living in the same housing complex at Penn State University. As they pursued their degrees — Cherkasova in philosophy, Kornilov in physics — both started families, and to take a break from studying they found themselves meeting for wine or tea, or watching their young children on the playground. As their friendship deepened, their conversations often veered into the Big Questions on their minds: How could they live a “good life” with purpose, happiness and success? What did those words mean?