Killing for a Living
WHEN I STARTED farming, I had
never killed anything — except
maybe insects. I wasn’t one of
those kids that ran around with a
BB gun shooting birds and other
little critters just for fun. In fact,
when I was with any of my friends
that were doing that, I always
looked at the death of the animal
as a sort of mini tragedy, a transgression of the sanctity of life.
And, even though I did it all of the
time, I actually felt bad when I
killed insects.
Then I became a meat animal
livestock farmer, who is, of course,
a person who raises animals —
sentient, expressive animals — for
the sole purpose of killing them so
that we can eat their flesh. Initially, and still to a large degree today,
this was something of a challenge
for me. My feelings about life
were, and are, in direct contradiction to my actions in regards
to the lives of those animals, or,
more specifically, to their deaths.