Huffington Magazine Issue 63 | Page 4

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR ART STREIBER Change of Heart I N THIS WEEK’S issue, we’re featuring a post that earlier this month became a phenomenon on The Huffington Post, with well over a million “likes” on Facebook: Rachel Macy Stafford’s “The Day I Stopped saying ‘Hurry Up.’” Rachel, a special education teacher, brings us into her hectic life — a life of early morning appointments, lightning-quick lunches, and constantly looking ahead to what comes next. “My thoughts and actions were controlled by electronic notifications, ring tones, and jam-packed agendas,” she writes. “And although every fiber of my inner drill sergeant wanted to be on time to every activity on my overcommitted schedule, I wasn’t.” It takes someone special — her daughter — to free Rachel from this vicious cycle of trying and failing to keep up with her overstuffed agenda, while never paus- HUFFINGTON 08.25.13 Join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook