Huffington Magazine Issue 63 | Page 33

COURTESY OF WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY LGBTQ CENTER Voices Princeton Review carries. Given the immense deluge of information that we consume on a regular basis, a sensationalized “least LGBT-friendly colleges in America” list is just waiting to be digested. This list offends me. It purports to be a helpful guide for prospective college students and their parents, but I believe that a more fitting title for this list would be, “Are You LGBT? Don›t Even Consider Going To These Colleges.” It amounts to self-segregation. As a gay man living in a world where LGBT rights are being fought for and earned literally on a day-to-day basis, I believe that poisonous and misguided TRÉ EASTON HUFFINGTON 08.25.13 It’s hard to challenge the claims of an organization with the considerable heft that, for whatever reason, The Princeton Review carries.” information like this ranking sets back the movement for equality even more than a ballot measure or asinine court ruling. Its very premise — assigning schools the moniker of “LGBT-unfriendly,” which only functions to ensure that LGBT students will never venture to these places — is offensive. The movement won’t be finished until every sector of every part of this country is “friendly” to each and every citizen of this country. We should be asking whether Students from WFU’s Gay-Straight Student Alliance and ZSR Library celebra FP