Huffington Magazine Issue 63 | Page 31

TRÉ EASTON Voices HUFFINGTON 08.25.13 DON KLUMPP/GETTY IMAGES Who’s Reviewing The Princeton Review? F OR SOME REASON there are entities that we blindly trust. They can be found everywhere, across a host of spectra and media. They seem to exist to perpetuate a state of comfort for hungry consumers of information. For some, this comes in the shape of blind faith. For others, it means trusting the advice of elders. For many individuals seeking information about one of the more important decisions of their lives, the choice of a college, this trust gets placed in The Princeton Review. I take serious issue with that. ¶ Earlier this month, The Princeton Review released its latest ranking of the allegedly least LGBT-friendly colleges in America. Wake Forest University ranks seventh in The Princeton Review’s ranking of least LGBTfriendly colleges.