ers with the respect. A majority
of plus-size women complain that
they have trouble finding desirable clothing styles and pieces
of high quality, according to a
new report. As Kim writes, “The
dearth of plus-size products reinforces an implicit message that
larger Americans have been absorbing for years: Shop only at
select retailers that welcome your
body type.”
Elsewhere in the issue, Margaret Wheeler Johnson follows four
couples that have taken steps to
make their lives, as one couple
puts it, “a little bit simpler.” The
result is a series of portraits of
couples at different stages in life,
united by their desire to find a
more humane and sustainable
definition of success — making
time for exercise, rest and renewal, while rejecting definitions
of success that, not so long ago,
had left them feeling burned-out
and unfulfilled.
We meet the newlyweds
Meghan and Josh, whose daily
routine includes morning meditation, evening trips to the farmers
market, yoga, and bike-riding. For
another couple, Sarah and Jeff,
it was graduating from college
that gave them new perspective
— and with it, the will to change
their lives. According to Sarah,
“when you’re not carrying around
a bunch of frustration, that au-
The dearth of plus-size
products reinforces an implicit
message that larger Americans
have been absorbing for years:
Shop only at select retailers
that welcome your body type.”
tomatically puts you in a better
mood and carries over into the
relationship that you have with
your partner; we’re a lot closer as
a result.”
Finally, as part of our ongoing
focus on stress, Gregory Beyer
writes about Charlie Rose, and
the napping habit that has
allowed him to be more productive and more present on
the air.