Huffington Magazine Issue 61 | Page 36

Voices QUOTED CLOCKWISE FOM TOP LEFT: BRUCE GLIKAS/FILMMAGIC/GETTY IMAGES; STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN/ AFP/GETTY IMAGES; VINCENZO LOMBARDO/GETTY IMAGE; PETE MAROVICH/GETTY IMAGES “I can finally get married! Yay government! So proud of you.” — Actress Raven Symone, in a tweet mentioning her sexuality publicly for the first time “I am a neoconservative. But... even if you are a neoconservative, you need to take a deep breath to ask if our strategies in the Middle East have succeeded.” — Newt Gingrich, in an interview with The Washington Times HUFFINGTON 08.11.13 “Dear Pat Robertson, Desmond Tutu can teach you how to love God’s children. Please consider signing up for lessons. K.Thnx.” — HuffPost commenter MAX1, on Desmond Tutu prefering hell over a homophobic heaven “What’s this ‘Leftover Wine’ that they keep talking about? I live alone, and I’ve never come across ‘leftover wine.’” — HuffPost commenter Jeffred13, on “7 Home Lifehacks That Every Person Who Lives Alone Must Know”