Barack Obama. But that is not
a random sample. What matters is the undercurrent, and it’s
pulling our people down.”
Asked what Dr. King would
think if he were alive today, Rev. Jackson postulates, “he
would say that we are freer but
less equal.”
Elsewhere in the issue, Gerry Smith looks at the underground market for smartphones.
He introduces us to Jerry Deaven,
an agent from the Department of
Homeland Security, who explores
the phenomenon of companies
and stores paying cash for used
smart phones, no questions asked,
and turning a blind eye to the fact
that many of the devices are stolen. “You can walk right into one
of these storefronts and sell all
the phones at once and walk out
with $20,000,” Deaven says. Gerry explores the web of crime and
complicity, from the thieves and
con-artists to the bulk purchasers and retail outlets that function
as marketplaces for illegal, and
sometimes violent, activity.
Finally, since sleep is a major editorial priority here, we’ve
tapped into the expertise of our
Asked what Dr. King
would think if he were
alive today, Rev. Jackson
postulates, ‘he would
say that we are freer but
less equal.’”
readers, asking the HuffPost Travel community to vote on the best
hotel bed they’ve ever spent the
night in. The result is a list of the
26 most spectacular hotel beds
to add to your sleep bucket list
— from Atlantic City
to Scotland.
Tap here for a
timelapse video
showing how the
cover of last week’s
issue was made.