Huffington Magazine Issue 55-56 | Page 10

Enter LOOKING FORWARD IN ANGST JASON LINKINS HUFFINGTON 06.30-07.07.13 WIN MCNAMEE/GETTY IMAGES THE ‘BULLY PULPIT’ IS NOT DEAD — IT WAS NEVER ALIVE HEN WASHINGTON Post reporter Chris Cillizza writes, as he did Monday, that the “bully pulpit just ain’t what it used to be,” it primes me to expect that some exciting news is coming. Specifically, that somehow, the “bully pulpit” has been transformed into some W incredibly effective tool for moving opinion. I mean, I can’t point to any recent examples of that happening, but I’ve been binge-watching Arrested Development lately, so it’s possible I may have missed some huge, dramatic turnaround in the power of the bully pulpit. As it turns out, however, the status quo ante seems to be in place. Cillizza goes on at length to say that the “bully pulpit is less bully these President Barack Obama speaks at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C., in May.