Huffington Magazine Issue 53 | Page 10

Enter LOOKING FORWARD IN ANGST JASON LINKINS HUFFINGTON 06.16.13 AP PHOTO/CHARLES DHARAPAK, POOL GOP OBSTINACY MAKES ‘BOTH PARTIES STUPID’ MAGINE IF YOU will, two wrestlers, of roughly equal size and ability, locked in a match with one another. Typically, what will happen in such a contest is that one of the wrestlers will demonstrate su- I perior strategy and technique, and slowly overcome his rival to win. In repeated match-ups, the formerly vanquished rival might make important strategic adjustments to regain the upper hand. And so on and so forth. Repeatedly viewing this hypothetical pair of wrestlers might, for the viewer, instill an appreciation for the merits that both House Speaker John Boehner listens as President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union address on Feb. 12, 2013.