Huffington Magazine Issue 50 | Page 6

BEST SUMMER EVER HUFFINGTON 05.26.13 ABOUT THIS ISSUE Potato Chips in Champagne SPENT MY FIRST two summers in New York resisting the urge to buy an air conditioning unit, and walking around my apartment holding a small fan inches from my face. In retrospect, I’m not sure why I made that choice, though it was probably some combination of being young, lazy and wanting to be like Marilyn Monroe in The Seven Year Itch. But I’ll always look back fondly on those summers, when it seemed time stood still in the thick humid air, and every moment felt longer than the one before it. Pain- WENDY GEORGE I fully hotter maybe... but longer! The Seven Year Itch really gets the feeling of time standing still. There’s this moment in the film, one of many when Marilyn walks downstairs to Tom Ewell’s apartment to leech off his air conditioner. She looks up at Ewell while he’s in the middle of one his deluded fantasies about her and snaps him out of it: “Hey, did you ever try dunking a potato chip in champagne?” she asks. “It’s real crazy!” As a kid, I thought this was just wild, and couldn’t wait to try it when I grew up and turned into Gazelle Emami is the managing editor of Huffington.