Huffington Magazine Issue 5 | Page 51

HUFFINGTON 07.15.12 TWILIGHT IN THE SUNSHINE STATE ing seniors and the business that hope to sell to them. “We offer the lived experience of a real community not a lab setting,” Tim Dutton, one of the founders of the nonprofit, tells me on a visit to the mostly empty offices of the brand-new enterprise. The institute hopes to encourage companies to come to Sarasota to experiment, for example, with new designs that would make grocery stores more friendly to older people — best practices that could give them a leg up in attracting customers elsewhere as the population ages. In Tampa, Stephen Klasko, the high-energy dean of the University of South Florida’s medical school, says Florida’s aging population “is an amazing opportunity” for medical research and study. He is currently conducting a wellness study in the Villages, part of an effort to make it “America’s healthiest community.” He says the study has produced the highest response rate of any study he has ever conducted. Barring the unexpected — a European economic cataclysm, for example — economists predict that Florida’s economy will return to pre-crash size by 2015. Newly arriving seniors, tired of shoveling snow in New Jersey or Michigan, will help drive the growth. But despite some small measures by forward-thinkers like Dutton and Klasko, the state as a whole is woefully unprepared for the profound demographic changes ahead. One of the most disturbing statistics about where Florida is right now, and what is in store for its future, concerns the fate of recent college graduates. Butler, the state economist, says that more than a third of recent graduates from Florida’s universities and colleges are not working in the state. This means that the young workers that the state will need so desperately in the next few decades are either living in Florida and are unemployed, or have moved elsewhere in search of better economic opportunities. The last person I meet in the Villages is Angel Pedraza, a 20-year-old recent college graduate. We talk on the front deck of Toojays, a burger joint in the Villages, where she has just dropped off a job application. She is living temporarily with her grandpare