Huffington Magazine Issue 5 | Page 21

DATA DATA data Enter lorem Lorem Ipsum Immigration Dolor Sit Amet dolor Rhetoric Vs. amet Reality huffington HUFFINGTON 07.15.12 Consent BOLD bold CALLOUT callout TEXT text Rhetoric on immigration heats up in an electionalitatem year, and both candidates the Latino without confronting lanis ipsuntare excourting et laborio ellavote doluptas certain realities. As immigration from Mexico hasvolorem slowed in aligent aspiciet officimenis aut te recent years, fewer undocumented immigrants have been as most que tem have nossiti ataquas apprehended but prati deportations soared. —Molly O’Toole Tap Tktk Year Tap for info 2001 2002 2003 6,900,000 5,700,000 Mexican-born population in U.S., legal Mexican-born population in U.S., undocumented Mexican-born population in U.S., legal Mexican-born population in U.S., undocumented Barack Obama and John McCain both pledge immigration reform during the 2008 presidential campaign. Both had voted for a fence along the Mexican border and McCain helped write a 2007 bill supporting a path to amnesty for immigrants. Curabit Elit Odio Semper ‘01 ‘02 ‘03 ‘04 2005 ‘05 Consent BOLD CALLOUT TEXT alitatem lanis ipsunt ex et laborio ella doluptas aligent officimenis aut te as most nossiti ataquas Removals of Undocumented 246,851 PHOTO or photo OR illustration ILLUSTRATION credit CREDIT tk TK Immigrants Removals Mexican of Undocumented Mexican Immigrants 2004 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 2006 2007 250,000 Immigration : Mexico to U.S. Immigration : Mexico to U.S. 2008 2008 2009 693,592 Apprehensions of Undocumented Mexican Immigrants Apprehensions of Undocumented Mexican Immigrants = 10,000 = 10,000 Individuals INDIVIDUALS PHOTO OR ILLUSTRATION CREDIT TK Graphic is based on data Ximodit, el ius videst, odisit quatur sundunt, comnim quam quis autatis mi, corum ius endel ipsam ex et earuptas doluptatem audit accusa sitas Data is compiled from the Pew Hispanic Center’s April 2012 report “Net Migration from Mexico Falls to Zero -- and Perhaps Less” and the Department of Homeland Security’s “Yearbook of Immigration Statistics” for fiscal years 2001 to 2010. Data for apprehensions and removals is from DHS, which records statistics on a fiscal year basis. 2010