Huffington Magazine Issue 48 | Page 32

Voices lenge on a daily basis. In the spring of my career, I found myself questioning the choice of my life’s work. The students did not appear to be motivated, the paperwork was overwhelming and the constant change of educational direction was discouraging. But, I just could not seem bring myself to do anything else. “Next year,” I would say. “Next year I will switch jobs, make more money and have far less stress.” Next year just never came. I am now in year 40. And while I am no longer in the classroom or at the schoolhouse, I remain an educator. It finally dawned on me that there was no other profession that would let me change children’s minds and have an impact on their future, long after the school day and school year were over. For every student that finally “got it,” for every rookie teacher that said, “you inspired me to stay,” I get the raise that never quite made it to my paycheck. I was on a plane recently and the flight attendant asked my name. When I told him, he said, “I knew that was you! You taught at my elementary school. You made me take my cap off in the building RITA F. PIERSON HUFFINGTON 05.12.13 Unless there is a connection between teacher, student and lesson, learning becomes tiresome to all involved.” and told me I was handsome.” He then paused and said: “I think I kept my hat on until you saw me, just so I could get that compliment. Thank you for making me feel special.” I don’t think he realized how special he made me feel that day. There have been so many former students over the years who have made me realize the sustaining power of relationships. I most certainly realize the extreme importance of being a competent teacher. Unfortunately, far too many in our ranks are unqualified and poorly trained. Many are working tirelessly to rectify that. But while we ad- TED and The Huffington Post are excited to bring you TEDWeekends, a curated weekend program that introduces a powerful “idea worth spreading” every Friday, anchored in an exceptional TEDTalk. This week’s TEDTalk is accompanied by an original blog post from the featured speaker, along with new op-eds, thoughts and responses from the HuffPost community. Watch the talk above, read the blog post and tell us your thoughts below. Become part of the conversation!