Huffington Magazine Issue 48 | Page 30

Voices read Hamlet and a summary of Mr. Stoppard’s play, so I understood the gist of things: this was a re-imagining of the great Shakespearean tragedy, but not as seen through the eyes of Hamlet. Rather, we watch the action unfold from the bewildered perspective of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, two insignificant and foolish functionaries in the original drama. In Hamlet, these two have no lives of their own. In Mr. Stoppard’s rendering, they are the lead players. Well before the curtain came down, I was mesmerized and helplessly in love. Not with the young woman who accompanied me, but with the art of the theater. It was electric — the audience, the actors, the music and, most of all, the power of Mr. Stoppard’s words to transport me and create an exquisite and temporary moment in another time. The next day, I told my mother about all these feelings. I know it gave her happiness. Or maybe it was satisfaction that she expressed. She never told me why she chose that play, except to say, “I thought it was the perfect gift for you.” Since that night I’ve read many reviews of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, and I know as a teenager JOHN MONTORIO HUFFINGTON 05.12.13 I missed a lot of its deeper meanings about identity and alienation and self awareness (though I’m sure that’s not the kind of understanding my mother hoped I’d gain). And since that night I’ve enjoyed many plays in many cities, and I have been to the ballet and to the opera and I have listened to Chopin. Reading the diary I asked her to keep in the last six months of her life was all the proof I needed that, in another time, another place, she would’ve been a novelist. Or a poet.” But nothing can compare to that night, now long ago and far away, when I sat in the audience at the Alvin Theatre and was first struck by the notion that there was a magical world out there just beyond the small horizons and modest ambitions of my blue-collar neighborhood. And I could reach those worlds if I only tried. So thanks, ma. John Montorio is the editor of Huffington and the executive features editor of The Huffington Post.