Huffington Magazine Issue 42 | Page 12

Exit DATA What’s Really in Your Easter Basket WENDY GEORGE Putting together an Easter basket this season? Beware of a pretty massive sugar hit. Even this modest basket has more than 250 grams of sugar, which amounts to nearly 1,000 calories from sugar alone. That’s on top of 64 grams of fat — an entire day’s limit, according to the DGAs. And while it’s a yearly indulgence, many of these candies are holiday versions of the treats we eat year-round. They can look like straight-forward foods — solid chocolate, for example — and still contain unrecognizable additives we might think twice about. From a preservative derived from petroleum to a candy-coating made from the excretions of insects, Easter candy isn’t so pretty on the inside. — Meredith Melnick HUFFINGTON 03.31.13 TAP ITEMS BELOW FOR INFO