PRING BREAKERS, one of the oddest things (not just movies, “things”)
that you will ever see with your
own eyes, opens in wide release this
weekend. On the surface, it’s about
four girls (played by Selena Gomez,
Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson and
Rachel Korine) who, while visiting
Florida during Spring Break, meet
a rapper/drug dealer named Alien
(played by James Franco, of course).
Here, we do our best to answer every
question that you could possibly have
about Spring Breakers. —Mike Ryan
Is Spring Breakers a comedy?
Oh God, no.
James Franco plays a rapper with cornrows named Alien. How does that not
equal “wacky hijinks”? The most jarring thing about Spring Breakers,
at least initially, is just how serious it takes itself.
How can a movie that features James Franco, sporting
cornrows, performing Britney Spears’
“Everytime” on a piano (a piano that’s
not indoors, I should add) be described
as “taking itself seriously”? I wish I
could answer that with a better
answer than, “I don’t know.”
Who are the spring breakers?
The spring breakers are
Candy (Vanessa Hudgens), Brit
(Ashley Benson), Faith (Selena Gomez) and Cotty (Rachel Korine).
How do we first learn of the
girls’ plan to attend spring
break? While in class, Brit draws
a heart and writes inside of it,
“I want penis.”
Is this the general sentiment of the
entire group? Well, it certainly is
for Brit and Candy, who might as
well be the same character (and
perhaps that’s the point). It certainly isn’t for Faith (Gomez),
who, even though she remains
friends with the other three girls,
is very religious.