Huffington Magazine Issue 41 | Page 71

ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES BEYOND HOOKERS, HAMAS AND HAGEL chief of CNN, immediately attacked us for running this video.” “I was kind of surprised by it,” Carlson said of the media’s reaction. “The now-president is calling the Congress racist and saying they’re shafting New Orleans because it’s majority black. That’s a pretty stout claim. No evidence to back it up. I thought that was interesting as hell, talking in a way he doesn’t normally talk. I was denounced as racist for pointing that out. Whatever.” Carlson said he wouldn’t expect conservative media’s reporting to HUFFINGTON 03.24.13 get significant pick-up in the national media, which he considers “liberal.” But he deflected questions about whether a right-wing echo chamber was doing a disservice to conservatives and Republicans. “I would flip it around and say, what’s the total population of people who read Rick Hertzberg’s editorials in the New Yorker and read The New York Times every day and watch CBS News at night?” Carlson asked. “That’s a smaller universe than watch Fox and read The Daily Caller. It’s not just right-wing world. It’s left-wing world [that] is also talking to itself.” Carlson argued that The Daily Caller, now profitable and with a Daily Caller reporter Neil Munro (center) interrupts President Obama during his remarks about the deportation of undocumented immigrants.