Huffington Magazine Issue 41 | Page 62

PAUL MORIGI/GETTY IMAGES FOR THE GUARDIAN BEYOND HOOKERS, HAMAS AND HAGEL The conservative media drumbeat did drive attention to the Fast & Furious scandal and the administration’s response to the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. But while the national media covered those topics, it didn’t obsess over them. In some cases, mainstream reporters poked holes in the scandals. Perhaps the most defining feature of the conservative media’s election coverage, however, was just how wildly off base it was in predicting the outcome. Paid for their political analysis, several prominent HUFFINGTON 03.24.13 conservative pundits predicted a landslide Romney victory. On election night, Karl Rove, speaking as an analyst for Fox News, practically begged the network to hold off on calling Ohio, and therefore the election, for Obama. The election results should have served as a sobering point of introspection. But in recent weeks, as Obama’s second term got underway, the hits kept coming. Conservative outlets like the Weekly Standard and Washington Free Beacon, along with highprofile writers such as Washing- Conservative writer Josh Treviño was hired to lead a paid propaganda campaign by the Malaysian government.