Huffington Magazine Issue 41 | Page 60

CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY IMAGES BEYOND HOOKERS, HAMAS AND HAGEL echo chamber in the mainstream press and in the public,” Erickson wrote. “It translates only as anger and noise, neither of which are conducive to the art of persuasion.” It was, in many respects, a remarkable admission. Erickson, whose site is known more for conservative activism than reporting, is not seen as someone with deep journalistic roots. But he’s hardly the only one who has concluded that one of the Republican Party’s major failures in the past election cycle was the inability of the conservative press HUFFINGTON 03.24.13 to shape the conversation. Conservative media made noise during the 2012 election but had little impact on the news cycle. Both The Daily Caller and Breitbart News hyped old videos of Obama, which despite being amplified on The Drudge Report and Fox News, received more mockery from the national press than follow-up. In response to Romney’s infamous “47 percent video” — a clearly newsworthy recording — Fox News attempted to equate his remarks with a 14-year-old Obama quote about wealth “redistribution.” The outof-context clip had little resonance beyond those cable viewers still convinced that Obama is a socialist. Chuck Hagel (left) arrives f