Huffington Magazine Issue 41 | Page 33

Voices hours to get to school. These kids are barely making it through high school — at a time when many of my peers’ kids are celebrating acceptances to upperechelon colleges. This school is their last chance. Simply getting to school on a daily basis is a hardship when you don’t have any money or any food. Or anyone to motivate you to do so. When I asked which of these students had experienced some adversity in their lives, all of them raised their hands. When I asked whether they felt these challenges had made them a better person, they nearly all raised their hands again. I didn’t grow up like they did. I’ve had a relatively privileged life. School was easy for me. I never had to worry about having a family who loved me, or food to eat, clothes or a bed. I attended one of those top-tier colleges. I’ve always been lucky. But I now believe that most of us, if we live long enough, will experience one of those unexpected events in life that creates a seismic shift in perspective. This happened to me recently, and is the subject of my TEDTalk. I was 43, about to celebrate my first wedding anni- STACEY KRAMER versary with a wonderful guy. We had successfully negotiated a second marriage and a blending of two families. I was the happiest and healthiest that I had ever been. The source of my cataclysm is be tter revealed in the short three-minute TEDTalk above, as I don’t want to spoil the story for you. I’m guessing if you’ve made it this far into this post, you might be willing to invest the time to watch the video clip. Sharing my story at TED was a remarkable opportunity. The very thought of being on stage gave me sweaty heart palpitations — and that is why I knew I had to do it. I was so nervous the teleprompter wouldn’t work that I bribed the AV techs with good chocolate, hoping they would pay extra attention to TED and The Huffington Post are excited to bring you TEDWeekends, a curated weekend program that introduces a powerful “idea worth spreading” every Friday, anchored in an exceptional TEDTalk. This week’s TEDTalk is accompanied by an original blog post from the featured speaker, along with new op-eds, thoughts and responses from the HuffPost community. Watch the talk above, read the blog post and tell us your thoughts below. Become part of the conversation! HUFFINGTON 03.24.13