cise a day to your life without any
change in calorie intake!
Bottom Line: The key point here
is that all calories are not the
same. Swap out sugar and
starch for good fats such as
nuts, avocados, olive oil, and
grass-fed animal products or
wild fish. Be a “qualitarian.” Focus on quality, on real food, and
the rest takes care of itself.
Exercise Your Way to Weight Loss
The food industry and diet industry push exercise. Even Michelle
Obama’s childhood obesity initiative focuses on exercise in its
name, Let’s Move. But it should be
really called Let’s Eat Real Food.
Here’s why. Sugar-sweetened
drinks make up about 15 percent
of our calorie intake every day. But
you have to walk 4.5 miles to burn
off one 20-ounce soda, which contains 15 teaspoons of sugar.
You have to run four miles a
day for one week to burn off one
supersize meal. If you have one
supersize meal everyday you
would have to run a marathon
every day!
Drinking 32 ounces of Gatorade after a workout is a dumb
idea, unless you run around like
Kobe Bryant on the basketball
court for 48 minutes. There are
better ways to replenish your energy and electrolytes than colored
sugar water with a few minerals
sprinkled in.
Bottom Line: Exercise is critical to
long-term health and weight loss,
but you can’t exercise your way
out of a bad diet.
Thankfully, science is shedding
Drinking 32 ounces
of Gatorade after a workout
is a dumb idea, unless
you run around like Kobe
Bryant on the basketball
court for 48 minutes.”
light on the ideas that keep us fat
and sick. Unfortunately, scientists
don’t have billion-dollar marketing budgets. But we as a community of thinking people wanting
real information can speak out,
can spread the word and turn the
tide of obesity and chronic
disease together.
Mark Hyman, M.D. is a practicing
physician and founder of
The UltraWellness Center.