Huffington Magazine Issue 33 | Page 31

FROM LEFT: AP PHOTO/PBS, CARNIVAL FILM & TELEVISION LIMITED 2011 FOR MASTERPIECE, NICK BRIGGS; STEFANIA D’ALESSANDRO/GETTY IMAGES Voices QUOTED Along comes this show Downton Abbey — rich people prominently featured and they’re generous; they’re nice people; they create jobs, for heaven’s sake; they’re classy; they’ve got style and we love ’em. —British economic journalist Stuart Varney explains on Fox and Friends why the show poses a threat to liberals HUFFINGTON 01.27.13 “Anyone seeking an understanding of historical events and relevance should visit the library. Then, when you want to be entertained, go to the movies.” — HuffPost commenter Bennie_ Hickson, on Spike Lee’s Django Unchained criticism “Once again, if we are going to dictate the off campus behavior of our educators, we need to be paying them a heck of a lot more.” — HuffPost commenter Parthenokinesis, on a California teacher being fired for her porn star past “Note to everyone who thinks he/ she is supposed to receive special recognition for takng [sp] care of their children: You’re