Huffington Magazine Issue 33 | Page 28

Voices pected to love the show, too, but I didn’t, and I wasn’t sure why. Sometime during Season 1, my mild dislike turned into a strange kind of loathing for Girls and the discourse around it. I couldn’t figure out quite what it was that bothered me, so I kept watching. It didn’t grow on me. Popular reasons not to love Girls include the lack of racial diversity, the privileged, firstworld problems of the characters and the nepotism apparent in the casting. While I understand these points, none of them are my main issue. I find the episodes pretty boring — like many other TV series that just aren’t my thing. So, why did I feel so strongly about Girls in a way that I didn’t about New Girl or How I Met Your Mother? Why did my mild dislike turn into something much stronger? Finally, I figured out the problem. I hated that so many people — in particular, older friends and co-workers — expected me to like it, because of